What’s Going on with Google’s New Map Update?

Google recently updated their map section and Google Maps, where they populate brief descriptions and keywords that Google thinks represents your business. This new update to the keywords in these sections is called “known for terms”. Though you may not feel that these terms are relevant to your business, Google’s sophisticated algorithms have determined that they are.

This update has caused confusion about the business details being displayed. For instance, old reviews about a business may include a previous owner’s name, which Google Maps will display as relevant known for terms. While the shop might have a new owner, the previous owner’s name populates because of the amount of existing information on the web about the shop is associated with that particular owner. Here’s an example of how known for terms populate in Google Maps:

As you can see in the screenshot above, 2 local automotive business appear on the map, with their known for terms appearing as “waiting room,” “long crack,” and “small chip.” These are not descriptions of services most people think of when it comes to auto repair services.

For now, Google has decided to keep this as part of their search algorithm and there isn’t much business owners can do to change it. Here’s a screenshot of a Googler’s response about how to fix misguided information:


Google claims that this problem will eventually fade as old results with this confusing information become less “relevant.” Meaning, over time, the old owner’s name will gradually fade to reflect more up to date information. So be patient and make sure all of the information you can control on your website and business’ directory listings are accurate and consistent.


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